中國汽車工程學會會員,SAE International會員
[1] 項目負責人,汽車電子系統信息安全與任務調度的聯合優化設計理論與技術研究,國家自然科學基金青年項目,2023.01-2025.12
[2] 項目負責人,智能電動汽車研發戰略研究,校企橫向⏭➰研究,2021.06-2022.06
[3] 項目負責人,安全檢測機器人軟件系統開發,校企橫向⏭➰研究,2021.09-2024.09
[4] 項目負責人,車載電子系統信息安全防護技術開發,校企橫向⏭➰研究,2020.12-2021.12
[5] 主要參加人,類腦智能下自動駕駛機器心理行為與倫理決策安全研究技術采購,校企橫向⏭➰研究,2021.03-2021-12
[6] 主要參加人,協同式車輛編隊控制方法研究技術采購項目,校企橫向⏭➰研究,2021.1-2022.12
[7] 主要參加人,車載CAN網絡➿⚽✨➿遠程ECU動态刷寫關鍵技術,吉林省科技發展計劃項目,2020.01-2022.12
[8] 主要參加人,ECU 三路 CAN 刷寫控制系統開發,校企橫向⏭➰研究,2016.06-2019.09
[9] 主要參加人,車載總線網絡信息安全關鍵技術,吉林省科技發展計劃項目,2015.01-2017.12
[1] 趙睿;李雲;胡宏宇;高振海; 基于 V2I 通信的交叉口車輛碰撞預警方法,BETVLCTOR學報(工學版),2023.04
[2] 胡宏宇;左記祥;趙睿*,基于U-Net++的路網檢測方法,中國公路學報,2022, 35(7)
[3] Rui Zhao; Guihe Qin; Jie Yan; Jun Qin; Schedule Optimization for TTEthernet-Based Time-Triggered Automotive Systems, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2020, 21: 1483-1494
[4] Jie Yan; Guihe Qin; Rui Zhao*; Yanhua Liang; Qianyi Xu; MixPred: Video Prediction Beyond Optical Flow, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 185654-185665
[5] Rui Zhao; Guihe Qin; Lyu Ying; Jie Yan; Security-Aware Scheduling for TTEthernet-Based R eal-Time Automotive Systems, IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 85971-85984
[6] Rui Zhao; Guihe Qin; Haipeng Chen; Jun Qin; Jie Yan; Security-Aware Scheduling for FlexRay-Based Real-Time Automotive Systems, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2019, Article ID 4130756
[7] Rui Zhao; Guihe Qin; Jiaqiao Liu; A Rectangle Bin Packing Optimization Approach to the Signal Scheduling Problem in the FlexRay Static Segment, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Enginerring, 2016, 17(4): 375-388
[8] Rui Zhao; Guihe Qin; Jiaqiao Liu; Optimal Scheduling of the FlexRay Static Segment Based on Two-dimensional Bin-packing Algorithm, International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2016, 1 7(4): 703-715
[9] Rui Zhao; Guihe Qin; Jiaqiao Liu; Gateway System for CAN and Flexray in Automotive ECU Networks, International Conference on information, Networking and Automation, 2010
[10] 趙睿;秦貴和;範鐵虎;FlexRay 通信協議的總線周期優化,計算機應用研究,2010, 27(10): 3847~3850.
[11] Debao Kong; Wenhao Wen; Rui Zhao, Zheng Lv; Kewang Liu; Yujie Liu; Zhenhai Gao; Vehicle Lateral Velocity Estimation Based on LSTM, World Electric Vehicle Journal, 2022, 13(1)
[12] Chuting Wang; Guihe Qin; Rui Zhao; Shimin Song; An Information Security Protocol for Automotive Ethernet, Journal of Computers, 2021.02.
[13] Biaobing Huang; Guihe Qin; Rui Zhao; Qiong Wu; Recursive Bayesian Echo State Network with an Adaptive Inflation Factor for Temperature Prediction, Neural Computing and Applications, 2018, 1(9)
[14] Yi Liu; Guihe Qin; Rui Zhao; Security Protocol for On-Board Controller Area Network, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2018, 52(5): 94-100
[15] Zhengshi Han; Guihe Qin; Rui Zhao; Yi Liu; Yunlong Liang; Design and Implementation of Security Protocol for In-Vehicle FlexRay Buses,Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University, 2018, 52(12): 63-69
[16] Yue Huang; Guihe Qin; Tong Liu; Rui Zhao; Xiaodan Wang; Investigation into In-vehicle Information Security, Advanced Research on Material Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Applied Technology II, 2014, 1003:273-278.
[17] Yue Huang; Guihe Qin; Tong Liu; Rui Zhao; Bo Zhao; Analysis on In-vehicle Information Security Defense, Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences & Engineering, 2016, 16(3): 1-9
[18] 趙睿;李雲;高鎮海;胡宏宇;高菲;張天瑤,一種基于V2I通信的無信号控制道路交叉口碰撞預警方法,2021-7-2,中古,ZL 2021 1 0830282.8
[19] 趙睿; 劉通; 秦貴和; 劉家僑; 黃玥; 許骞藝; 晏婕; 王立然 ; 一種分布式車載電子系統安全防護方 法, 2019-04-30, 中國, ZL 2018 1 0912814.0
[20] 王楚婷; 秦貴和; 趙睿; 成一銘; 高天宇; 宋世民; 紀辰瑾; 趙俊法; 董曉慧; 師雅迪; 一種車載以太網信息安全防護方法, 2020-10-20, 中國, ZL 2019 1 0896749.1
[21] 黃玥; 秦貴和; 趙睿; 劉通; 趙博; 張曉陽; 邵亞輝 ; 車載信息安全的評價方法, 2016-10-19, 中國
[22] 鄒密;秦貴和;高慶洋;張曉陽;秦俊;呼布欽;徐洋;于赫;趙睿;吳星辰;一種基于卷積神經網絡的車型精細分類系統,2016-03-23,中國,ZL 2016 1 0168469.5
[23] 秦貴和; 邵亞輝; 趙睿; 李濱; 穆勝亮; 孫浩泰; 王世堯; 任鵬飛; 一 種接收射頻信号及按鍵輸入的汽車遙控鑰匙, 2015-02-18, 中國, CN201420600198.2
[24] 吳尚則; 秦貴和; 孫銘會; 趙睿; 郭森; 戚琦; 劉恬佳; 劉毅; 息認證軟件V1.0, 2017SR416954, 原始取得, 全部權利, 2017-8-2
[25] 戚琦; 秦貴和; 孫銘會; 趙睿; 郭森; 吳尚則; 劉恬佳; 劉毅; 消息加密軟件V1.0, 2017SR416949, 原始取得, 全部權利, 2017-06-15
[26] 戚琦; 秦貴和; 孫銘會; 趙睿; 吳尚則 ; 車載網絡安全的CAN總線消息認證軟件, 2017SR066559, 原 始取得, 全部權利, 2016-12-23
[27] 劉恬佳; 趙永哲; 親貴和; 孫銘會; 趙睿; 劉毅; 戚琦; 吳尚則; 韓正式; 許骞藝 ; 車載CAN總線數 據傳輸的DES加解密軟件V1.0, 2017SR076569, 原始取得, 全部權利, 2016-12-19
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郵箱: rzhao@jlu.edu.cn
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