2004/09-2007/07, BETVLCTOR,伟德BETVLCTOR内燃機系,碩士
2007/09-2011/12, BETVLCTOR,伟德BETVLCTOR内燃機系,博士
2008/09-2010/09, 美國伊利諾伊大學厄本那香槟分校,博士
2012/12-至今 BETVLCTOR汽車學院内燃機系, 副教授
博士學習期間一直從事汽車發動機缸内過程可視化研究工作,對發動機工作過程的基礎理論研究和先進的光學測試方法具有十分濃厚的興趣和較強的專業能力。2008年至2010年獲得國家留學基金委資助項目赴美國伊利諾伊大學厄本那香槟分校(UIUC)深造,師從Chia-fon Lee教授。測試開發可視化激光測量平台可實現燃燒邊界條件自動控制,最大限度模拟自然進氣、增壓、EGR等不同缸内環境,實現燃料噴霧混和、着火燃燒和微粒生成全過程的時間和空間同步采集與聯合分析。
1.Yu Liu*, Haifeng Liu, Ming Huo, Chia-Fon F. Lee and Jun Li. Spray and Combustion Characteristics of Butanol-Biodiesel-Diesel in a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber. International Journal of Green Energy.(SCI acception)
2.Yu Liu*, Jun Li, Ying Gao and Xinmei Yuan. Laser Diagnostic Investigation on the Spray and Combustion with Butanol-Biodiesel-Diesel Fuel Blends. MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, Advanced Materials Researc,2012, Vol.443-444.,Pp 986-995. (SCI:000308895800171)
3.Liu Yu*, Li Jun, Gao Ying. Visual Spray and Evaporization Character of Biodiesel Blend Fuels in a Combustion Chamber. INFORMATION ENGINEERING FOR MECHANICS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, vol.80-81, pp654-660. (SCI:000306983400132)
4.Yu Liu*, Jun Li, Ying Gao and Xinmei Yuan. Analysis of Micro-Explosion Phenomenon in a Constant Volume Chamber by Butanol-Biodiesel-Diesel Blend Fuel. MANUFACTURING SCIENCE AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING, Advanced Materials Researc,2012, Vol.443-444.,Pp 996-1006. (SCI:000308895800172)
5.Yu Liu, Way Lee Cheng, Ming Huo, Chia-Fon F. Lee* and Jun Li. A Study of Effects of Volatility on Butanol-Biodiesel-Diesel Spray and Combustion. SAE Paper, 2011-01-1197. (EI:20112714118743)
6.劉宇*,李君,高瑩. 生物柴油-柴油-丁醇燃料噴霧與燃燒過程可視化研究.BETVLCTOR學報(工學版)2011,vol.41:34-40. (EI:20114114415206)
7.Y. Liu*, W. L. Cheng, M. Huo, C. F. Lee and J. Li. Laser Diagnostics of Butanol-Biodiesel-Diesel Spray and Combustion. ILASS–Asia 2010, Oct. 2010, Jeju, Korea.
8.Donghui Qi, Michael Leick, Yu Liu, Chia-fon F. Lee. Effect of EGR and injection timing on combustion and emission characteristics of split injection strategy DI-diesel engine fueled with biodiesel. Fuel 90 (2011) 1884–1891. (SCI acception)
9.Yifeng Wu, Ronghua Huang, Yu Liu, Michael Leick and Chia-fon F. Lee. Effect of Ambient Temperature on Flame Lift-off and Soot Formation of Biodiesel Sprays. SAE Paper, 2010-01-0606.
10.Haifeng Liu, Yu Liu. Spray and Combustion Characteristics of n-Butanol in a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber at Different Oxygen Concentrations. SAE Paper, 2010-01-1190.(EI:20112714118736)