常偉, 博士
伟德BETVLCTOR1946,熱能工程系,中國 長春
郵箱: wchang47@jlu.edu.cn
· 常偉,BETVLCTOR唐敖慶青年學者,副教授,碩士生/博士生導師。美國南卡羅萊納大學機械工程專業博士畢業。研究背景為相變強化換熱及機理研究,電動車整車熱管理及熱量回收利用,先進制造和人體熱舒适性研究等。
· 已發表SCI 論文20餘篇,主要期刊包括《Carbon》,《Science Bulletin》,《Surface & Coatings Technology》, 《Langmuir》, 《Applied Thermal Engineering》和《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》等。
· 作為主要參與人負責完成了多項美國國家科學基金會(NSF),美國海軍研究辦公室(ONR),和美國國家航空航天局(NASA)等科研項目。已申請和授權美國專利3項。擔任International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal of Building Engineering, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells and ASME Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications等期刊審稿人。
06/2014-05/2019 機械工程博士,南卡羅萊納大學機械工程系,哥倫比亞市,南 卡羅萊納州,美國
博士導師: 李琛(Chen Li)教授
08/2012-05/2014 機械工程碩士,亞利桑那州立大學機械工程系,坦佩,亞利桑那州
09/2008-06/2012 能源與動力工程本科,華中科技大學,武漢,湖北
09/2022-至今 副教授,伟德BETVLCTOR1946熱能工程系,長春,中國
05/2019 – 06/2022 博士後研究員, 南卡羅萊納大學機械工程系,哥倫比亞市,南卡羅萊納州,美國
1. Wei Chang, Kai Luo, Wenming Li and Chen Li. “Enhanced flow boiling of HFE-7100 in silicon microchannels with nanowires coated micro-pinfins”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 216 (2022) 119064.
2. Wei Chang, Kai Luo, Pengtao Wang and Chen Li. “Sustaining Dropwise Condensation on Nickel-plated Copper Surfaces with As-grown Graphene Coatings”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 209 (2022) 118319.
3. Wei Chang, Guanghan Huang, Kai Luo, Pengtao Wang and Chen Li. “Ultra-efficient Heat Pipes Enabled by Nickel-graphene Nanocomposite Coatings: Concept and Fundamentals”, Carbon, 191 (2022) 384-392.
4. Wei Chang, Branko N. Popov and Chen Li. “Effects of Thermal Treatment on the Hydrophobicity and Anticorrosion Properties of As-grown Graphene Coatings”, RSC Advances 2021,11, 36354-36359
5. Bo Tian, Wei Chang, Enrico Santi, Chen Li, Tianyu Zhang and Lang Yuan. “Two-Phase Milli/Microchannel cooling for SiC Power Module using Dielectric Fluid Coolant”, 2021 IEEE Electric Ship Technologies Symposium (ESTS)
6. Wei Chang, Wenming Li, Jiaxuan Ma and Chen Li. “Enhanced Flow Boiling in Microchannels Integrated with Hierarchical Structures of Micro-Pinfin Fences and Nanowires”, Langmuir 2021, 37, 30, 8989-8996.
7. Wei Chang, Benli Peng, Karim Egab, Yunya Zhang, Yaqi Cheng, Xiaodong Li, Xuehu Ma and Chen Li. “Few-layer Graphene on Nickel Enabled Sustainable Dropwise Condensation”, Science Bulletin, 66 (2021) 1877-1884.
8. Wei Chang, Benli Peng, Ahmed S. Khan, Mohammad Alwazzan, Yunya Zhang, Xiaodong Li, Yan Tong and Chen Li, “Grain size effects on the wettability of as-grown graphene and dropwise condensation”, Carbon, 171 (2021) 507-513.
9. Wei Chang, Pengtao Wang, Yueyang Zhao, Congcong Ren, Branko N. Popov and Chen Li, “Characterizing corrosion properties of graphene barrier layers deposited on polycrystalline metals”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 398 (2020), 126077.
10. Wei Chang, Sreehari Rajan, Benli Peng, Congcong Ren, Michael Sutton and Chen Li, “Adhesion energy of as-grown graphene on nickel substrates via StereoDIC-based blister experiments”, Carbon, 153 (2019) 699-706.